选修八unit3 您所在的位置:网站首页 inventors and inventions课件 选修八unit3


2024-03-12 12:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Unit 3,Guessing,Guess what the invention is or who the inventor is,Warming up,This invention looks like a bird. Its made of metal. It makes it possible for people to fly to different places in the world. It is powered by an engine and is flown by a pilot,What is it,Airplane,This invention can help p

2、eople in the street. It looks like a tree standing beside the street. It directs cars and trucks. It uses colored lights. Red means stopping, green means going,Traffic lights,What is it,Its made of plastics and metal. It looks like a small box with a screen and buttons on it. With the invention you

3、can contact someone while you are walking,What is it,Mobile phone,The inventor is from America. He is one of the father of inventions. The inventor invented the bulb,Who is he,Edison,He was a world-famous inventor from Sweden. Here is one of his photos. He invented dynamite (炸药). A famous prize was

4、named after him,Who is he,Alfred Nobel,Lets guess,Difference between discovery and invention,A discovery is_ _,An invention is_ _,creating something not existing before,finding out something existing but not yet known,connection between discovery and invention,Discoveries often lead to inventions. I

5、nventions are often based on discoveries,steps every inventor must go through,Applying for a patent,Finding a problem,Doing research,Testing the solution,Thinking of a creative solution,Deciding on the invention,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._,Pre-reading,What do you use to catch snakes,Whats the main idea

6、of the text,The text is mainly about the authors experience in helping her mother get rid of the _and applying for the _ for her invention,snakes,patent,Skimming,Scanning: match the paragraphs with each steps in the passage and find the examples,caught,harmed,approaches,habits,three,the last one,1,2

7、,3,Task 1,4,5,6,7,8,three,recognized,third,The mother was upset because some snakes had made their home in their courtyard,The writer was happy because it gave her a chance to distinguish herself by inventing something merciful that would catch the snakes but not harm them,To do sth so well that peo

8、ple notice and admire her,Careful reading,Stage two Do research,Why didnt the author use powders to get rid of the snakes,Because they are designed to kill snakes,So a new _ was clearly needed,approach,research,Stage 3 Think of a creative solution,List the three possible approaches: Firstly,_. Secon

9、dly,_ _. Thirdly,_ _. Finally, the author choose the_one,removing their habitat,attracting them into a trap,cooling them so that they would,using male or female perfume or food,become sleepy and could be easily caught,last,Stage 4:Test the solutions,The first attempt: 1. Early _ the author put a(n)

10、_ bowl over the snakes habitat and some ice-cubes _ the bowl. 2. She covered the whole thing with a large_. 3. _ later, though the snakes were less _ , they still escaped quickly,the next morning,frozen,on top of,bucket,Two hours,active,This attempt is a failure,The second attempt: 1.The author froz

11、e the bowl and the ice cubes again but placed them over the snakes habitat _. 2.The author covered the whole thing and left everything _. 3.Early the next morning the snakes look very _, but when she picked them up, they try to _ her. The third attempt: The next morning the author repeated the _ pro

12、cedure and carried a small _ to collect the passive snakes and _ them back into the wild,second,in the evening,overnight,sleepy,bite,net,released,a failure,a success,Stage 5 Apply for a patent,Pressed by ,I decided to _ for my successful invention to the Patent House,Seize the opportunity to get rec

13、ognition,What was the authors invention ,What was her successful idea of catching snakes,By placing the snakes at a _temperature for them to _and then caught them by a small_,low,sleep,net,Stage 5 Apply for a patent,1.An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention. 2.If you have a scientifi

14、c theory or mathematical model, you can get a patent(专利). 3.If your inventions pass the test, your application for a patent will be published 12 months from the date you apply,F,F,F,difficultly,Cant,18,Snakes came near my mothers house _ _ _, which u_ my mother much, and she wanted me to _ _ _them.

15、So I _ _ researching the _ of snakes to find the easiest way to _ them. I thought of three possible a_. Firstly, removing their h_; secondly, attracting them into a _(陷阱); and thirdly cooling them so that they would become s_ and could be easily caught. I made up my mind to use the third one. I trie

16、d three times and the third _ was finally successful. _by my friends and relations, I decided to _ the opportunity, hoping to get a _ with my invention,get,about,habits,trap,set,approaches,attempt,Pressed,patent,rid,of,pset,now,and,then,Step 5: Review,seize,abitat,leepy,trap,Thinking,Learning from t

17、he author, what good qualities should an inventor have,Creative curious patient imaginative hard-working adventurous challengeable,Predict,1.What will happen to the author if she gets the patent? 2. Will she succeed eventually? 3. Is it possible that she failed to get the patent? Thus, what will she

18、 do,Youll know if I succeed by the size of my bank balance,Write a short paragraph to complete the passage,Step 7: Writing,Two weeks later, an envelope arrived from the Patent House. _,Step 7: Writing,Two weeks later, an envelope arrived from the Patent House, congratulating me on my successful idea of catching the snakes. I felt proud and all my hard work paid off. What was more encouragin






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